The Wise Ape Code
"Wise Ape is more than a tea company, it's a tribe of like minded individuals who are focused on self-evolution with an altruistic attitude."
infinite evolution
noun | in·fi·nite evo·lu·tion | \ˈin-fə-nət \ˌe-və-ˈlü-shən, ˌē-və-\
The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form, continuously.

Altruism: We believe in giving back to the world and inspiring others to do the same. Each one of our functional tea blends has been officially partnered with a different nonprofit organization to donate 10% of profits and raise awareness for an impactful cause. Learn more about our partners.
Performance: We're committed to providing the cleanest products, derived from nature, to help you feel your best and perform your best. Wise Ape's adaptogenic tea blends are designed to fuel your mind, body, and mission. Explore our adaptogenic teas.
Evolution: This journey is about evolution, as individuals, as a brand, and as a community. As our wisdom continues to spread, we're dedicated to the process of empowering our tribe to evolve into better versions of themselves, continuously. Join our growing tribe.