Enjoy a summer solstice celebration with our refreshing easy lemon sun tea recipe! This delightful and refreshing drink is sugar-free and packed with natural and healthy ingredients. Full of bright and zesty flavor, this homemade lemon sun tea recipe will leave you feeling invigorated and hydrated on hot summer days. So, serve up this wonderful summer solstice sip with our Lemon Vibration Sun Tea Recipe!

Summer Solstice Traditions and Tea?

The summer solstice, also known as "midsummer" or "litha," is the longest day of the year, and might we say there is no time quite as magical for celebrating plants and the nature around us! Usually falling every year between June 20th and June 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year. 

lemon tea adaptogenic

During this time of year, most of us can't help but feel energized by the idea of beach days and warm breezes. The summer solstice is a day to teach us to take a moment and rejoice in the Earth’s natural cycle and enjoy nature’s bounty.

In ancient European pagan cultures, harvesting and drying herbs on this day was a tradition because it was believed to be the most potent day for herb harvesting. Many ancient cultures relied on the amazing healing properties of herbs for the various therapeutic values they added to ancient medicine.

The prominence of herbs in summer solstice celebrations is honestly no surprise; herbs symbolize growth, vitality, and rejuvenation. During the summer solstice, when the sun is at its highest point, plants are in full bloom, and nature is teeming with life and renewal, you can symbolically align yourself with the energy of growth by including herbs in solstice celebrations and using the energizing effects of herbs to aid in personal transformation. It’s also a way to honor and respect nature and connect with the earth's cycles during this special time of year.

With that said, this summer solstice, we want you to celebrate the vitality and wonders of the summer with tea, and what better tea than a tea that is brewed by harnessing the wonders of the sun? Sun tea is a simple and captivating brewing method that involves steeping tea leaves in the warm embrace of the sun's rays, allowing nature to infuse its flavors and vibrant energy into every sip.

The Druids utilized summer herbs such as St. John's Wort (named for Saint John's solstice feast day), chamomile, calendula, lavender, rosemary, mint, and rose in their ceremonial Midsummer bonfires. St. John’s Wort and Lavender were revered in particular, because of their ability to promote calmness, release tension, and uplift the spirit. Lavender was used for banishing worries, while St. John's Wort would bring sunshine to sorrow, making these traditional plants ideal for this time of year and for your summer solstice sun tea. 

Refreshing Lemon Sun Tea Recipe

Wise Ape Lemon Vibration tea is perfect for summer solstice tea, not only because it harnesses both St. John’s Wort and Lavender but because it is also a refreshing and flavorful tea that is also packed with adaptogens - herbs that help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

The lemon flavor of the tea is mellow yet bright and is a great way to cool down on a hot summer day. The tea also has a light, herbaceous flavor that is both refreshing and invigorating. Plus, it is packed with adaptogens which have been shown to help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost energy levels. So, this tea will have your body and tastebuds thriving this summer.

How To Make Sun Tea

Sun tea is made by steeping tea leaves or tea bags in water that has been exposed to the sun. Using loose-leaf tea is preferable as it will produce a more flavorful tea. Sun tea is a flavorful and tasty summertime beverage; however, we do want you to be aware of the potential safety concerns.

The one key issue with sun tea is the increased possibility of bacterial infection. When tea herbs and water are exposed to the sun, bacteria can grow and multiply there. When left out in the sun, temperatures can reach the "danger zone" (40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit), which is the ideal temperature for the growth of bacteria. These bacteria can then contaminate the tea.

For this reason, it’s crucial to exercise caution when preparing sun tea to prevent potential bacterial growth; Use fresh, cold water, thoroughly clean the container you'll be using to make the tea, sanitize the tea leaves or tea bags by boiling them for a few minutes, do not leave the tea out in the sun for longer than four hours, do not add sugar or other sweeteners to the tea until serving, and refrigerate the tea as soon as it's made.

If you’re concerned about the risks of sun tea but still want to sip on a summertime tea that connects you to the season, a safer alternative is to make cold brew tea. For cold brew tea, you steep the tea leaves or tea bags in cold water for 12 to 24 hours, and it is generally thought to be safer than sun tea but is still a fun way to brew your tea in the summer!

Let’s Get Making Lemon Sun Tea

Ready to try sun tea? Let sun tea become a symbol of the solstice and honor the warmth of the sun with our lemon sun tea recipe. It’s recipe timeeee:

[[ recipeID=recipe-8ljn3o1pj, title=Lemon Vibration Sun Tea Recipe (Sugar-Free, Healthy, Natural) ]]

lemon tea adaptogenic


This informative article is written, by Sophia McKenzie. Sophia is head content creator and writer, for several premium websites, where her expertise lies in health, nutrition, and wellness. Her content focuses on providing and sharing doable solutions to help people truly thrive and live their happiest, healthiest, fulfilled lives.