The Importance of Essential Minerals For the Body 

What Are Essential Minerals and Why Do We Need Them?

Essential minerals are chemical elements that are essential nutrients required by organisms, other than your body’s most common elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. The six major essential minerals in the human body are calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. Essential minerals such as these, ensure a healthy body by doing everything from strengthening bones and teeth to regulating metabolism to maintaining proper nerve transmissions. A balanced diet should provide you with all the essential minerals that you require. What does a balanced diet full of these essential minerals look like? Let’s explore that question below.


A Balanced Mineral Rich Diet

First off, you’re going to want to start eating more leafy green vegetables. We’re talking spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard greens; all that stuff they throw in your overpriced juice. These leafy greens will provide you with tons of calcium and magnesium. By taking in these two minerals you’ll benefit your bone and heart health, give your immune system a boost, and better regulate your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.   

Next you’re going to want to get your phosphorous and potassium. Phosphorus, like calcium, is required to build strong bones and teeth. You’ll find phosphorous in foods such as mushrooms, legumes, nuts, eggs, poultry and dairy products. Potassium is excellent for maintaining your body’s fluids balance, regulating blood pressure and aiding sensory nerve functions. Load up on potatoes, avocados, bananas, tomatoes and citrus fruits to get your daily dose of potassium.

At last comes sodium and chlorine... yes, that's chlorine, but don't go chugging any pool water just yet. Sodium aids in regulating blood pressure and is very beneficial for healthy digestion. You can find sodium in organic sea salt, kelp, beets, okra, coconuts, carrots, and dried fruits. As for chlorine, more commonly referred to as chloride, you’ll want to limit your intake. Most people get their chloride in the form of sodium chloride, otherwise known as salt. Since so much food today is full of salt, people get way too much of this mineral, to the point of it being detrimental. Chloride (in healthy amounts) forms digestive juices in the stomach and maintains the correct balance of fluids in your body.  


Two Bonus Essential Minerals

Iron and zinc are two more nutrients that you’re not going to want to forget about. Iron is essential for forming red blood cells and transporting oxygen in the body. Get yours in lean meat, liver, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds, and shellfish. Zinc is crucial for immunity, wound healing, healthy eyes, and supporting liver function. Zinc-rich foods include mushrooms, organic eggs, lima beans, soybeans, black-eyed peas and seafood.

There are dozens of other essential minerals out there that possess a myriad of health benefits. Simply search the web to find which ones are best for optimizing your desired health benefits.


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November 17, 2016 — The Wise Ape